The datasets were acquired on a GE clinical 3 T scanner, but the acquired raw data is posted here in a vendor-independent format, an in-house custom format used by Lustig Group. This very simple format is a pair of files: one header file (*.hdr) and one raw kspace data file (*.cfl). These two files are in the zip file in each row of the table below, in the column titled "Acquired Raw Kspace Data". The .hdr header file is a text file which simply describes the dimensions of the acquired scan data. The .cfl raw data file is a binary file containing a single contiguous block of array data of dimensions described in the header file. The raw data file is of type complex float (i.e. 32-bit real + 32-bit imaginary), hence the extension .cfl. We have created convenient Matlab functions to read and write this data file format:
At a later date, we will try to convert to NIH's ISMRMRD raw data format, another vendor-independent format.
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