This looks like a LittleEndian/22x/raw file... Total file size should be: 1302268188 Header size: 149788 ...........RDB_HEADER_REC.................. Offset to/size of RDB_HEADER_REC: 0, 4096 ...RDBM revision number: 20.006 ...Rdy pkt run number: 65536 ...Rdy pkt sequence number: 128 ...Rdy pkt run number in char: 65536 ...Scan date: 11/16/111 ...Scan time: 19:36 ...Logo, used to verify file: INVALIDNMR ...Data type 0=emp 1=nrec 2=rw: 1 ...unused: 0 ...rhdacqctrl bit mask: 0 ...rhrcctrl bit mask: 1 ...rhexecctrl bit mask: 11 ...scan type bit mask: 16 ...rhtype bit mask: 64 ...rhformat bit mask: 4 ...rhrecon proc-a-son recon: 720 ...rhdatacq proc-a-son dacq: 0 ...rhnpasses passes for a scan: 1 ...rhnpomp pomp group slices: 1 ...rhnslices slices in a pass: 220 ...rhnecho echoes of a slice: 1 ...rhnavs number of excitations: 1 ...rhnframes yres: 288 ...rhbline baselines: 0 ...rhhnover overscans: 0 ...rhfrsize xres: 320 ...rhptsize: 4 ...rhvquant 3D volumes: 1 ...RX cine heart phases: 1 ...RX cine TR in sec: 1 ...RX cine RR in sec: 1 ...rhinitpass allocate passes: 1 ...rhincrpass tps autopauses: 1 ...rhmethod 0=recon, 1=psd: 0 ...rhdaxres: 320 ...rhdayres: 289 ...rhrcxres: 512 ...rhrcyres: 512 ...rhimsize: 512 ...RC Z res (power of 2 > rhnslices): 0 ...rhrawsize: 1302118400 ...rhsspsave: 0 ...rhudasave: 0 ...rhfermr fermi radius: 160 ...rhfermw fermi width: 12.5 ...rhferme fermi eccentricity: 1.11111 ...rhclipmin 4x IP limit: 0 ...rhclipmax 4x IP limit: 16383 ...rhdoffset default offset: 0 ...rhxoff scroll img in x: 0 ...rhyoff scroll img in y: 0 ...rhnwin hecho window width: 0 ...rhntran hecho trans width: 2 ...PS rhscalei: 0.000972173 ...PS rhscaleq: 0 ...RX rotation (0 90 180 270 deg): 0 ...RX transpose (0, n/y transpose): 0 ...rhblank zero image views: 0 ...rhslblank slice blank 3D: 2 ...RX Gradient coil (0=off 1=Schnk 2=Rmr): 0 ...rhddaover unused: 0 ...SARR bit mask 15 bits: 0 ...SARR feeder timing info: 0 ...SARR feeder timing info: 0 ...SARR control of feeder: 0 ...SARR df decimation ratio: 0 ...SARR which feeder algorithm: 0 ...rhdab0s rhdab0e start, stop receiver: recs[0]: 0, rece[0]: 7 recs[1]: 0, rece[1]: 0 recs[2]: 0, rece[2]: 0 recs[3]: 0, rece[3]: 0 ...rhuser0: 14.8324 ...rhuser1: 0.520833 ...rhuser2: 0 ...rhuser3: 0 ...rhuser4: 0 ...rhuser5: 0 ...rhuser6: 0 ...rhuser7: 0 ...rhuser8: 0 ...rhuser9: 0 ...rhuser10: 0 ...rhuser11: 0 ...rhuser12: 0 ...rhuser13: 0 ...rhuser14: 0 ...rhuser15: 0 ...rhuser16: 0 ...rhuser17: 0 ...rhuser18: 0 ...rhuser19: 0 ...rhuser20: 0 ...rhuser21: 0 ...rhuser22: 0 ...rhuser23: 0 ...rhuser24: 0 ...rhuser25: 0 ...rhuser26: 0 ...rhuser27: 0 ...rhuser28: 0 ...rhuser29: 0 ...rhuser30: 0 ...rhuser31: 0 ...rhuser32: 0 ...rhuser33: 0 ...rhuser34: 0 ...rhuser35: 0 ...rhuser36: 0 ...rhuser37: 0 ...rhuser38: 0 ...rhuser39: 0 ...rhuser40: 0 ...rhuser41: 0 ...rhuser42: 0 ...rhuser43: 0 ...rhuser44: 0 ...rhuser45: 0 ...rhuser46: 0 ...rhuser47: 0 ...rhuser48: 0 ...rhvtype bit mask 31 bits: 0 ...RX x flow direction control: 0 ...RX x flow direction control: 0 ...RX x flow direction control: 0 ...RX x flow direction control: 0 ...RX y flow direction control: 0 ...RX y flow direction control: 0 ...RX y flow direction control: 0 ...RX y flow direction control: 0 ...RX z flow direction control: 0 ...RX z flow direction control: 0 ...RX z flow direction control: 0 ...RX z flow direction control: 0 ...RX weight for magnitude image 1: 0 ...RX weight for magnitude image 2: 0 ...RX weight for magnitude image 3: 0 ...RX weight for magnitude image 4: 0 ...RX velocity encoding cm/sec: 0 ...Specwidth filter width kHz: 0 ...Spectro CSI dims: 0 ...rhspecrescsix: 0 ...rhspecrescsiy: 0 ...rhspecrescsiz: 0 ...RX x CSI volume dimension: 0 ...RX y CSI volume dimension: 0 ...RX z CSI volume dimension: 0 ...RX x CSI volume center: 0 ...RX y CSI volume center: 0 ...RX z CSI volume center: 0 ...Number of dwell periods for spectro: 1 ...PS internal use only: 0 ...PS MPS R1 setting (1-7): 10 ...PS MPS R2 setting (1-30): 29 ...PS MPS transmit gain setting (0-200): 143 ...PS MPS center frequency Hz: 1277245090 ...PS APS R1 setting (1-7): 10 ...PS APS R2 setting (1-30): 29 ...PS APS transmit gain setting (0-200): 143 ...PS APS center frequency Hz: 1277245090 ...PS rational scaling: 0 ...PS unused: 0 ...PS noise test 0=16 1=32 bits: 135522645 ...PS prescan order logic: 2 ...PS bit mask 4 bits: 0 ...PS powerspec: ...PS filler1: 0 ...PS filler2: 0 ...Spectro full, half echo 0, 1: 0 ...Variable "im_size_y": 0 ...rhtype1 data_collect_type 1 bit mask: 327696 ...rhfreqscale freq_scale k-space step: 1 ...rhphasescale phase_scale k-space step: 0.9 8x fields ...rhovl - overlaps for MOTSA: 0 ...Linear Corr. 0:off, 1:linear, 2:polynomial: 0 ...Fit number of points: 0 ...Fit order: 2 ...Linear phase correction average 0:off, 1:on: 0 ...Const Corr. 0:off, 1:ky spec., 2:polyfit(2/ilv), 3:polyfit(1/ilv): 0 ...Fit number of points: 2 ...Fit order: 2 ...External correction file 0:don't use, 1: use: 0 ...Phase correction coef. image 0:off, 1:linear & constant: 1 ...Interleaves to use for correction: 0=all, 1=only first: 0 ...Bestky view for fractional ky scan: 0 ...Phase correction research control: 0 ...Phase correction threshold points: 2 ...Phase correction beginning point to discard: 0 ...Phase correction middle point to discard: 0 ...Phase correction ending point to discard: 0 ...Threshold percentage: 15 ...Spacial best reference scan index: 0 ...Temporal best reference scan index: 0 ...Spare for phase correction: 1 ...Number of interleaves: 1 ...Ky traversal direction 0: top-down, 1:center-out: 0 ...Alternate read sign 0=no, 1=odd/even, 2=pairs: 0 ...Number of scan repetitions: 1 ...Reference scan 0: off 1: on: 1 ...Constant S term normalization factor: 0 ...Constant polyfit weighting factor: 0 ...Linear S term normalization factor: 0 ...Linear polyfit weighting factor: 0 ...Best ky location: 64 ...Control word for VRG filter: 0 ...Control word for VRGF final X resolution: 128 ...Control word for bandpass asymmetry: 0 ...Starting frequency: 0 ...Ending frequency: 0 ...Number of iterations used in homodyne processing: 0 ...0: Fast receiver off, 1 - 5: LPF settings: 0 ...Total number of frames for reference scan: 0 ...Number of frames per pass for a reference scan: 0 ...Total number of frames for an entire scan: 0 ...Number of frames per pass: 0 ...Spectro - user usage tag: 0 ...Spectro - fillmapMSW: 0 ...Spectro - fillmapLSW: 0 ...Adjust view indexes, if set so bestky view = 0: 1 ...First view within an echo group used for fit: 0 ...Last view within an echo group used for fit: 0 ...If = 1, force pts from other egrps to be used: 0 ...If = 2, force slope to be set to pclinslope: 1 ...If = 2, force slope to be set to pcconslope: 1 ...Value to set linear slope to if forced: 0 ...Value to set constant slope to if forced: 0 ...If 1,2,3,4, use that coil's results for all: 1 ...Variable view sharing mode: 0 ...Number of original images: 0 ...TR in microseconds: 0 ...Gender: male or female: 0 ...Slice ZIP factor: 0=off, 2, or 4: 1 ...Coefficient A for flow image 1: 0 ...Coefficient B for flow image 1: 0 ...Coefficient C for flow image 1: 0 ...Coefficient D for flow image 1: 0 ...Coefficient A for flow image 2: 0 ...Coefficient B for flow image 2: 0 ...Coefficient C for flow image 2: 0 ...Coefficient D for flow image 2: 0 ...Coefficient A for flow image 3: 0 ...Coefficient B for flow image 3: 0 ...Coefficient C for flow image 3: 0 ...Coefficient D for flow image 3: 0 ...System utility control variable: 0 ...EPI II diffusion control cv: 0 ...Arrhythmia rejection window (percentage): 10 ...Views per segment for FastCine: 8 ...N-coil recon map: 0 ...TE for first echo: 20000 ...TE for second and later echoes: 50000 ...BW for navigator frames: 4 ...Control flag for dfm (0=off, other=on): 0 ...Uncombined NEX at start of recon: 1 ...Max navigator frames in a pass: 1 ...Xres of navigator frames: 32 ...Point size of navigator frames: 2 ...Number of navigators per frame (tag table): 1 ...Control flag for dfm debug: 0 ...Threshold for navigator correction: 0 ...Bit settings controlling gridding: 0 ...B0 map enable and map size: 0 ...TE difference between b0 map arms: 0 ...Flag to apply motion compensation: 0 ...Variable density transition: 0 ...Variable density transition: 0 ...Max gradient amplitude: 0 ...Max slew rate: 0 ...RX scan field of view: 0 ...A to D sample time microsecs: 0 ...Change factor for variable density: 0 ...RX display field of view: 0 9x fields ...Auto-Ncoil FOV: 160 ...MFO FIESTA recon control: 0 ...Auto post-processing opcode: 0 ...Auto-Ncoil select: 0 ...Auto-Ncoil limit: 45 ...Auto post processing options: 0 ...Gradient mode in Gemini project: 0 ...Asset: 11 ...Asset calibration threshold: 10000 ...Asset R: 0.416667 ...Asset coil number: 111244 ...Asset phases: 1 ...Table position: -16.4135 ...Patient position: 1 ...Patient entry: 2 ...Landmark: 669.6 11x fields ...For fat and water dual recon: 0 ...Num. passes stored in a multi-pass Pfile (0 means 1 pass): 0 ...Last slice number: 0 ...Slice reduction factor: 0.416667 ...Asset slab wrap: 0 ...Coefficient for amount of phase correction: 0.5 ...Navigator echo correction: 0 ...Number of views of navigator echoes: 0 ...Number of navigator echoes for actual correction: 2 ...Start view for phase correction process: 1 ...End view for phase correction process: 1 ...Start shot for delta phase estimation in nav echoes: 1 ...End shot for delta phase estimation in nav echoes: 2 ...0 = modified Hanning, 1 = modified Tukey: 0 ...Degree of apodization; 0.0 = boxcar, 1.0=hanning: 0.1 ...Apodization at ends, 0.0 = max, 1.0 = boxcar: 0 ...Surface coil intensity correction: 1 if enabled: 0 ...Type of Clariview/name of filter: 0 ...Edge parameters for enhanced recon: 0 ...Smooth parameters for enhanced recon: 0 ...Focus parameters for enhanced recon: 0 ...Edge parameters for Clariview: 0 ...Smooth parameters for Clariview: 0 ...Focus parameters for Clariview: 0 ...Reduction parameter for SCIC: 0 ...Gauss parameter for SCIC: 0 ...Threshold parameter for SCIC: 0 ...Total Number of regions acquired by PSD: 0 ...Total Number of input regions for reordering: 0 ...Header field for smart prescan: 2 ...K-space blanking field, left: 32 ...K-space blanking field, right: 0 ...Multi-exciter acquire type information from CV: 0 ...Retrosective FSE phase correction control flag: 0 ...Added for retrospective FSE phase correction: 0 12x fields ...1st view to use for dynamic EPI phase correction: 0 ...Last view to use for dynamic EPI phase correction: 0 ...Number of passes to skip for dynamic EPI phase correction: 0 ...Number of extra frames at top of k-space: 0 ...Number of extra frames at bottom of k-space: 0 ...Multiphase type 0 = interleaved, 1 = sequential: 0 ...Number of phases in a multiphase scan: 1 ...PURE flag from psd: 0 ...Rec scale factor ratio for calibration scan: 0 ...Byte offset to start of raw data (i.e size of POOL_HEADER): 149788 ...Byte offset to start of rdb_hdr_per_pass of POOL_HEADER: 4096 ...Byte offset to start of rdb_hdr_unlock_raw of POOL_HEADER: 20480 ...Byte offset to start of rdb_hdr_data_acq_tab of POOL_HEADER: 36864 ...Byte offset to start of rdb_hdr_nex_tab of POOL_HEADER: 135168 ...Byte offset to start of rdb_hdr_nex_abort_tab of POOL_HEADER: 137220 ...Byte offset to start of rdb_hdr_tool of POOL_HEADER: 139272 ...Byte offset to start of rdb_hdr_exam of POOL_HEADER: 142820 ...Byte offset to start of rdb_hdr_series of POOL_HEADER: 144780 ...Byte offset to start of rdb_hdr_image of POOL_HEADER: 147340 ...Byte offset to start of rdb_hdr_ps of POOL_HEADER: 141320 ...spare b: 0 ...New WW/WL algo enable/disable flag: 0 ...Image area %: 60 ...Histogram area top: 1 ...Histogram area bottom: 1 ...PURE noise reduction on=1/off=0: 1 ...PURE cfg file value, filter: 1 ...PURE cfg file value, fit_order: 2 ...PURE cfg file value, kernelsize_z: 3 ...PURE cfg file value, kernelsize_xy: 8 ...PURE cfg file value, weight_radius: 32 ...PURE cfg file value, intensity_scale: 2 ...PURE cfg file value, noise_threshold: 75 ...MART deblurring kernel, wienera: 0 ...MART deblurring kernel, wienerb: 0 ...MART deblurring kernel, wienert2: 0 ...MART deblurring kernel, wieneresp: 0 ...MART deblurring kernel, wiener: 0 ...MART deblurring kernel, flipfilter: 0 ...MART deblurring kernel, dbgrecon: 0 ...MART deblurring kernel, ech2skip: 0 ...Tricks type 0 = subtracted, 1 = unsubtracted: 0 ...LC fiesta phase: 0 ...LC fiesta: 0 ...Half echo raw data filter, herawflt: 0 ...Half echo raw data filter, herawflt_befnwin: 1 ...Half echo raw data filter, herawflt_befntran: 2 ...Half echo raw data filter, herawflt_befamp: 1 ...Half echo raw data filter, herawflt_hpfamp: 1 ...Half echo over-sampling: 0 ...PURE Correction threshold: 0 14x fields ...SWIFT enable/disable flag: 0 ...Number of slabs to be used by TRICKS: 1 ...Number of coils to SWIFT between: 0 ...autoshim successful (1), autoshim failed/smart/OFF (0): 0 ...Number of phases for dynamic plan: 0 15x fields ...MEDAL configuration bitmask: 0 ...MEDAL pixel stack size: 54 ...MEDAL in-phase, out-of-phase order: 0 ...MEDAL max adaptive region growing kernel size: 15 ...MEDAL min adaptive region growing kernel size: 8 ...MEDAL field smoothing kernel size: 8 ...MEDAL 2D region growing start slice: 0 ...MEDAL 2D region growing end slice: 10 ...IDEAL enable/disable flag: 0 ...IDEAL image options and control bits: 0 ...IDEAL delta frequency between two species : 21.6429 ...IDEAL bandwidth in Hz: 62.5 ...IDEAL first echo time in ms: 20.827 ...IDEAL echo spacing in ms : 15.4015 ...IDEAL "This will give the number of extra points": 0 ...Set to 1 for VIBRANT scans: 0 ...Set to 1 for torso scans (ASSET): 0 ...Set to 1 to use reapodized cal (ASSET): 0 ...Unique ID for kacq_yz.txt files: 1116193636 ...Set to 1 for local Tx phased arrays: 0 ...Used to scale 3D acqs to avoid over-range: 1 ...Scanner mode: 1 = Product, 2 = Research, 3 = Service: 2 20x fields ...Deprecated rhrawsize: 0 ...Deprecated rhsspsave: 0 ...Deprecated rhudasave: 0 ...Channel translation table entry type: Entry 0: The logicalCoilName of the active coil: RL-GE_HDx TR Knee PA The clinicalCoilName of the active coil: C-GE_HDx TR Knee PA A unique identifier based on coil parameters: 111244 The coilConnector to which the active coil is connected: 3940705508524033 Indicates whether this config is used for active scanning: 562954249437199 The channel translation map for this config: 3, 4 ...The variable rdb_hdr_psc_ta: 67 ...rhdiskacqctrl control: 0 ...Set to 1 for broadband exciter, 0 for narrowband exciter: 1 16x/22x fields ...Total number of B values for Multi-B DWI: 1 ...Number of diffusion directions: 1: Single, 3: Three, 4: Tetrahedral: 1 ...Image-based NEX number for T2 (Smart nex): 1 ...NEX number for each b-value in multi-B eDWI: NEX = 1 (table entry 0) NEX = 2 (table entry 1) NEX = 4 (table entry 2) NEX = 4 (table entry 3) NEX = 6 (table entry 4) NEX = 11825 (table entry 5) NEX = 11826 (table entry 6) NEX = 13368 (table entry 7) NEX = 11824 (table entry 8) NEX = 12593 (table entry 9) NEX = 13875 (table entry 10) NEX = 14641 (table entry 11) NEX = 12846 (table entry 12) NEX = 12846 (table entry 13) NEX = 13112 (table entry 14) NEX = 13870 (table entry 15) NEX = 13369 (table entry 16) NEX = 11829 (table entry 17) NEX = 13361 (table entry 18) NEX = 14128 (table entry 19) NEX = 12854 (table entry 20) NEX = 12846 (table entry 21) NEX = 13108 (table entry 22) NEX = 14392 (table entry 23) NEX = 12590 (table entry 24) NEX = 12851 (table entry 25) NEX = 13361 (table entry 26) NEX = 13365 (table entry 27) NEX = 14132 (table entry 28) NEX = 11824 (table entry 29) NEX = 12855 (table entry 30) NEX = 50 (table entry 31) NEX = 12544 (table entry 37) NEX = 12846 (table entry 38) NEX = 14382 (table entry 39) NEX = 12340 (table entry 40) NEX = 12590 (table entry 41) NEX = 13105 (table entry 42) NEX = 12598 (table entry 43) NEX = 11833 (table entry 44) NEX = 11826 (table entry 45) NEX = 14386 (table entry 46) NEX = 11827 (table entry 47) NEX = 14646 (table entry 48) NEX = 13620 (table entry 49) NEX = 12590 (table entry 50) NEX = 12340 (table entry 51) NEX = 13879 (table entry 52) NEX = 11826 (table entry 53) NEX = 13362 (table entry 54) NEX = 14387 (table entry 55) NEX = 11832 (table entry 56) NEX = 13105 (table entry 57) NEX = 12594 (table entry 58) NEX = 13620 (table entry 59) NEX = 13364 (table entry 60) NEX = 12343 (table entry 61) NEX = 14126 (table entry 62) NEX = 13106 (table entry 63) NEX = 11825 (table entry 70) NEX = 11826 (table entry 71) NEX = 13368 (table entry 72) NEX = 11824 (table entry 73) NEX = 12593 (table entry 74) NEX = 13875 (table entry 75) NEX = 14641 (table entry 76) NEX = 12846 (table entry 77) NEX = 12846 (table entry 78) NEX = 13112 (table entry 79) NEX = 13870 (table entry 80) NEX = 13369 (table entry 81) NEX = 11829 (table entry 82) NEX = 13361 (table entry 83) NEX = 14128 (table entry 84) NEX = 12854 (table entry 85) NEX = 12846 (table entry 86) NEX = 13108 (table entry 87) NEX = 14392 (table entry 88) NEX = 12590 (table entry 89) NEX = 12851 (table entry 90) NEX = 13361 (table entry 91) NEX = 13365 (table entry 92) NEX = 14132 (table entry 93) NEX = 11824 (table entry 94) NEX = 12855 (table entry 95) NEX = 52 (table entry 96) ...Sum-of-squares recon (0), Complex channel combine recon (1): 0 ...Value of NEX table for unacquired encodes: 1 ...........RDB_DATA_ACQ_TAB.................. Offset to/size of RDB_DATA_ACQ_TAB: 36864, 98304 Slice 0, pass = 0, slice in pass = 1, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 153.91, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 153.91, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 153.91, -62.0318, -80 Slice 1, pass = 0, slice in pass = 2, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 153.31, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 153.31, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 153.31, -62.0318, -80 Slice 2, pass = 0, slice in pass = 3, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 152.71, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 152.71, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 152.71, -62.0318, -80 Slice 3, pass = 0, slice in pass = 4, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 152.11, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 152.11, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 152.11, -62.0318, -80 Slice 4, pass = 0, slice in pass = 5, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 151.51, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 151.51, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 151.51, -62.0318, -80 Slice 5, pass = 0, slice in pass = 6, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 150.91, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 150.91, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 150.91, -62.0318, -80 Slice 6, pass = 0, slice in pass = 7, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 150.31, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 150.31, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 150.31, -62.0318, -80 Slice 7, pass = 0, slice in pass = 8, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 149.71, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 149.71, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 149.71, -62.0318, -80 Slice 8, pass = 0, slice in pass = 9, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 149.11, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 149.11, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 149.11, -62.0318, -80 Slice 9, pass = 0, slice in pass = 10, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 148.51, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 148.51, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 148.51, -62.0318, -80 Slice 10, pass = 0, slice in pass = 11, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 147.91, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 147.91, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 147.91, -62.0318, -80 Slice 11, pass = 0, slice in pass = 12, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 147.31, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 147.31, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 147.31, -62.0318, -80 Slice 12, pass = 0, slice in pass = 13, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 146.71, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 146.71, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 146.71, -62.0318, -80 Slice 13, pass = 0, slice in pass = 14, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 146.11, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 146.11, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 146.11, -62.0318, -80 Slice 14, pass = 0, slice in pass = 15, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 145.51, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 145.51, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 145.51, -62.0318, -80 Slice 15, pass = 0, slice in pass = 16, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 144.91, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 144.91, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 144.91, -62.0318, -80 Slice 16, pass = 0, slice in pass = 17, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 144.31, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 144.31, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 144.31, -62.0318, -80 Slice 17, pass = 0, slice in pass = 18, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 143.71, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 143.71, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 143.71, -62.0318, -80 Slice 18, pass = 0, slice in pass = 19, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 143.11, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 143.11, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 143.11, -62.0318, -80 Slice 19, pass = 0, slice in pass = 20, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 142.51, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 142.51, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 142.51, -62.0318, -80 Slice 20, pass = 0, slice in pass = 21, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 141.91, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 141.91, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 141.91, -62.0318, -80 Slice 21, pass = 0, slice in pass = 22, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 141.31, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 141.31, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 141.31, -62.0318, -80 Slice 22, pass = 0, slice in pass = 23, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 140.71, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 140.71, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 140.71, -62.0318, -80 Slice 23, pass = 0, slice in pass = 24, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 140.11, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 140.11, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 140.11, -62.0318, -80 Slice 24, pass = 0, slice in pass = 25, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 139.51, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 139.51, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 139.51, -62.0318, -80 Slice 25, pass = 0, slice in pass = 26, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 138.91, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 138.91, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 138.91, -62.0318, -80 Slice 26, pass = 0, slice in pass = 27, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 138.31, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 138.31, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 138.31, -62.0318, -80 Slice 27, pass = 0, slice in pass = 28, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 137.71, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 137.71, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 137.71, -62.0318, -80 Slice 28, pass = 0, slice in pass = 29, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 137.11, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 137.11, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 137.11, -62.0318, -80 Slice 29, pass = 0, slice in pass = 30, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 136.51, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 136.51, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 136.51, -62.0318, -80 Slice 30, pass = 0, slice in pass = 31, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 135.91, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 135.91, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 135.91, -62.0318, -80 Slice 31, pass = 0, slice in pass = 32, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 135.31, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 135.31, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 135.31, -62.0318, -80 Slice 32, pass = 0, slice in pass = 33, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 134.71, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 134.71, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 134.71, -62.0318, -80 Slice 33, pass = 0, slice in pass = 34, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 134.11, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 134.11, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 134.11, -62.0318, -80 Slice 34, pass = 0, slice in pass = 35, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 133.51, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 133.51, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 133.51, -62.0318, -80 Slice 35, pass = 0, slice in pass = 36, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 132.91, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 132.91, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 132.91, -62.0318, -80 Slice 36, pass = 0, slice in pass = 37, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 132.31, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 132.31, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 132.31, -62.0318, -80 Slice 37, pass = 0, slice in pass = 38, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 131.71, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 131.71, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 131.71, -62.0318, -80 Slice 38, pass = 0, slice in pass = 39, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 131.11, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 131.11, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 131.11, -62.0318, -80 Slice 39, pass = 0, slice in pass = 40, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 130.51, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 130.51, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 130.51, -62.0318, -80 Slice 40, pass = 0, slice in pass = 41, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 129.91, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 129.91, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 129.91, -62.0318, -80 Slice 41, pass = 0, slice in pass = 42, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 129.31, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 129.31, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 129.31, -62.0318, -80 Slice 42, pass = 0, slice in pass = 43, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 128.71, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 128.71, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 128.71, -62.0318, -80 Slice 43, pass = 0, slice in pass = 44, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 128.11, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 128.11, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 128.11, -62.0318, -80 Slice 44, pass = 0, slice in pass = 45, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 127.51, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 127.51, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 127.51, -62.0318, -80 Slice 45, pass = 0, slice in pass = 46, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 126.91, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 126.91, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 126.91, -62.0318, -80 Slice 46, pass = 0, slice in pass = 47, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 126.31, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 126.31, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 126.31, -62.0318, -80 Slice 47, pass = 0, slice in pass = 48, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 125.71, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 125.71, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 125.71, -62.0318, -80 Slice 48, pass = 0, slice in pass = 49, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 125.11, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 125.11, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 125.11, -62.0318, -80 Slice 49, pass = 0, slice in pass = 50, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 124.51, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 124.51, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 124.51, -62.0318, -80 Slice 50, pass = 0, slice in pass = 51, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 123.91, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 123.91, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 123.91, -62.0318, -80 Slice 51, pass = 0, slice in pass = 52, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 123.31, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 123.31, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 123.31, -62.0318, -80 Slice 52, pass = 0, slice in pass = 53, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 122.71, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 122.71, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 122.71, -62.0318, -80 Slice 53, pass = 0, slice in pass = 54, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 122.11, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 122.11, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 122.11, -62.0318, -80 Slice 54, pass = 0, slice in pass = 55, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 121.51, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 121.51, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 121.51, -62.0318, -80 Slice 55, pass = 0, slice in pass = 56, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 120.91, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 120.91, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 120.91, -62.0318, -80 Slice 56, pass = 0, slice in pass = 57, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 120.31, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 120.31, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 120.31, -62.0318, -80 Slice 57, pass = 0, slice in pass = 58, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 119.71, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 119.71, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 119.71, -62.0318, -80 Slice 58, pass = 0, slice in pass = 59, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 119.11, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 119.11, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 119.11, -62.0318, -80 Slice 59, pass = 0, slice in pass = 60, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 118.51, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 118.51, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 118.51, -62.0318, -80 Slice 60, pass = 0, slice in pass = 61, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 117.91, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 117.91, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 117.91, -62.0318, -80 Slice 61, pass = 0, slice in pass = 62, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 117.31, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 117.31, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 117.31, -62.0318, -80 Slice 62, pass = 0, slice in pass = 63, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 116.71, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 116.71, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 116.71, -62.0318, -80 Slice 63, pass = 0, slice in pass = 64, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 116.11, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 116.11, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 116.11, -62.0318, -80 Slice 64, pass = 0, slice in pass = 65, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 115.51, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 115.51, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 115.51, -62.0318, -80 Slice 65, pass = 0, slice in pass = 66, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 114.91, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 114.91, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 114.91, -62.0318, -80 Slice 66, pass = 0, slice in pass = 67, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 114.31, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 114.31, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 114.31, -62.0318, -80 Slice 67, pass = 0, slice in pass = 68, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 113.71, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 113.71, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 113.71, -62.0318, -80 Slice 68, pass = 0, slice in pass = 69, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 113.11, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 113.11, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 113.11, -62.0318, -80 Slice 69, pass = 0, slice in pass = 70, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 112.51, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 112.51, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 112.51, -62.0318, -80 Slice 70, pass = 0, slice in pass = 71, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 111.91, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 111.91, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 111.91, -62.0318, -80 Slice 71, pass = 0, slice in pass = 72, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 111.31, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 111.31, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 111.31, -62.0318, -80 Slice 72, pass = 0, slice in pass = 73, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 110.71, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 110.71, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 110.71, -62.0318, -80 Slice 73, pass = 0, slice in pass = 74, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 110.11, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 110.11, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 110.11, -62.0318, -80 Slice 74, pass = 0, slice in pass = 75, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 109.51, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 109.51, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 109.51, -62.0318, -80 Slice 75, pass = 0, slice in pass = 76, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 108.91, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 108.91, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 108.91, -62.0318, -80 Slice 76, pass = 0, slice in pass = 77, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 108.31, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 108.31, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 108.31, -62.0318, -80 Slice 77, pass = 0, slice in pass = 78, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 107.71, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 107.71, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 107.71, -62.0318, -80 Slice 78, pass = 0, slice in pass = 79, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 107.11, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 107.11, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 107.11, -62.0318, -80 Slice 79, pass = 0, slice in pass = 80, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 106.51, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 106.51, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 106.51, -62.0318, -80 Slice 80, pass = 0, slice in pass = 81, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 105.91, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 105.91, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 105.91, -62.0318, -80 Slice 81, pass = 0, slice in pass = 82, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 105.31, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 105.31, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 105.31, -62.0318, -80 Slice 82, pass = 0, slice in pass = 83, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 104.71, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 104.71, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 104.71, -62.0318, -80 Slice 83, pass = 0, slice in pass = 84, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 104.11, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 104.11, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 104.11, -62.0318, -80 Slice 84, pass = 0, slice in pass = 85, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 103.51, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 103.51, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 103.51, -62.0318, -80 Slice 85, pass = 0, slice in pass = 86, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 102.91, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 102.91, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 102.91, -62.0318, -80 Slice 86, pass = 0, slice in pass = 87, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 102.31, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 102.31, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 102.31, -62.0318, -80 Slice 87, pass = 0, slice in pass = 88, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 101.71, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 101.71, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 101.71, -62.0318, -80 Slice 88, pass = 0, slice in pass = 89, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 101.11, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 101.11, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 101.11, -62.0318, -80 Slice 89, pass = 0, slice in pass = 90, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 100.51, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 100.51, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 100.51, -62.0318, -80 Slice 90, pass = 0, slice in pass = 91, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 99.9097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 99.9097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 99.9097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 91, pass = 0, slice in pass = 92, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 99.3097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 99.3097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 99.3097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 92, pass = 0, slice in pass = 93, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 98.7097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 98.7097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 98.7097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 93, pass = 0, slice in pass = 94, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 98.1097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 98.1097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 98.1097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 94, pass = 0, slice in pass = 95, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 97.5097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 97.5097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 97.5097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 95, pass = 0, slice in pass = 96, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 96.9097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 96.9097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 96.9097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 96, pass = 0, slice in pass = 97, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 96.3097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 96.3097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 96.3097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 97, pass = 0, slice in pass = 98, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 95.7097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 95.7097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 95.7097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 98, pass = 0, slice in pass = 99, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 95.1097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 95.1097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 95.1097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 99, pass = 0, slice in pass = 100, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 94.5097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 94.5097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 94.5097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 100, pass = 0, slice in pass = 101, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 93.9097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 93.9097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 93.9097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 101, pass = 0, slice in pass = 102, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 93.3097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 93.3097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 93.3097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 102, pass = 0, slice in pass = 103, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 92.7097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 92.7097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 92.7097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 103, pass = 0, slice in pass = 104, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 92.1097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 92.1097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 92.1097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 104, pass = 0, slice in pass = 105, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 91.5097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 91.5097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 91.5097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 105, pass = 0, slice in pass = 106, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 90.9097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 90.9097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 90.9097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 106, pass = 0, slice in pass = 107, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 90.3097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 90.3097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 90.3097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 107, pass = 0, slice in pass = 108, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 89.7097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 89.7097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 89.7097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 108, pass = 0, slice in pass = 109, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 89.1097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 89.1097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 89.1097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 109, pass = 0, slice in pass = 110, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 88.5097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 88.5097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 88.5097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 110, pass = 0, slice in pass = 111, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 87.9097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 87.9097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 87.9097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 111, pass = 0, slice in pass = 112, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 87.3097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 87.3097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 87.3097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 112, pass = 0, slice in pass = 113, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 86.7097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 86.7097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 86.7097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 113, pass = 0, slice in pass = 114, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 86.1097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 86.1097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 86.1097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 114, pass = 0, slice in pass = 115, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 85.5097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 85.5097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 85.5097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 115, pass = 0, slice in pass = 116, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 84.9097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 84.9097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 84.9097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 116, pass = 0, slice in pass = 117, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 84.3097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 84.3097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 84.3097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 117, pass = 0, slice in pass = 118, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 83.7097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 83.7097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 83.7097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 118, pass = 0, slice in pass = 119, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 83.1097, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 83.1097, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 83.1097, -62.0318, -80 Slice 119, pass = 0, slice in pass = 120, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 82.5098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 82.5098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 82.5098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 120, pass = 0, slice in pass = 121, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 81.9098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 81.9098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 81.9098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 121, pass = 0, slice in pass = 122, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 81.3098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 81.3098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 81.3098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 122, pass = 0, slice in pass = 123, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 80.7098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 80.7098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 80.7098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 123, pass = 0, slice in pass = 124, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 80.1098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 80.1098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 80.1098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 124, pass = 0, slice in pass = 125, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 79.5098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 79.5098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 79.5098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 125, pass = 0, slice in pass = 126, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 78.9098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 78.9098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 78.9098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 126, pass = 0, slice in pass = 127, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 78.3098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 78.3098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 78.3098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 127, pass = 0, slice in pass = 128, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 77.7098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 77.7098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 77.7098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 128, pass = 0, slice in pass = 129, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 77.1098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 77.1098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 77.1098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 129, pass = 0, slice in pass = 130, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 76.5098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 76.5098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 76.5098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 130, pass = 0, slice in pass = 131, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 75.9098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 75.9098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 75.9098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 131, pass = 0, slice in pass = 132, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 75.3098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 75.3098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 75.3098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 132, pass = 0, slice in pass = 133, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 74.7098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 74.7098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 74.7098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 133, pass = 0, slice in pass = 134, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 74.1098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 74.1098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 74.1098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 134, pass = 0, slice in pass = 135, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 73.5098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 73.5098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 73.5098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 135, pass = 0, slice in pass = 136, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 72.9098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 72.9098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 72.9098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 136, pass = 0, slice in pass = 137, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 72.3098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 72.3098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 72.3098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 137, pass = 0, slice in pass = 138, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 71.7098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 71.7098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 71.7098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 138, pass = 0, slice in pass = 139, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 71.1098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 71.1098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 71.1098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 139, pass = 0, slice in pass = 140, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 70.5098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 70.5098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 70.5098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 140, pass = 0, slice in pass = 141, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 69.9098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 69.9098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 69.9098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 141, pass = 0, slice in pass = 142, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 69.3098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 69.3098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 69.3098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 142, pass = 0, slice in pass = 143, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 68.7098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 68.7098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 68.7098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 143, pass = 0, slice in pass = 144, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 68.1098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 68.1098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 68.1098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 144, pass = 0, slice in pass = 145, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 67.5098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 67.5098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 67.5098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 145, pass = 0, slice in pass = 146, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 66.9098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 66.9098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 66.9098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 146, pass = 0, slice in pass = 147, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 66.3098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 66.3098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 66.3098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 147, pass = 0, slice in pass = 148, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 65.7098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 65.7098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 65.7098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 148, pass = 0, slice in pass = 149, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 65.1098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 65.1098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 65.1098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 149, pass = 0, slice in pass = 150, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 64.5098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 64.5098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 64.5098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 150, pass = 0, slice in pass = 151, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 63.9098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 63.9098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 63.9098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 151, pass = 0, slice in pass = 152, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 63.3098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 63.3098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 63.3098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 152, pass = 0, slice in pass = 153, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 62.7098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 62.7098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 62.7098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 153, pass = 0, slice in pass = 154, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 62.1098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 62.1098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 62.1098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 154, pass = 0, slice in pass = 155, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 61.5098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 61.5098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 61.5098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 155, pass = 0, slice in pass = 156, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 60.9098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 60.9098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 60.9098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 156, pass = 0, slice in pass = 157, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 60.3098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 60.3098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 60.3098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 157, pass = 0, slice in pass = 158, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 59.7098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 59.7098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 59.7098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 158, pass = 0, slice in pass = 159, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 59.1098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 59.1098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 59.1098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 159, pass = 0, slice in pass = 160, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 58.5098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 58.5098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 58.5098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 160, pass = 0, slice in pass = 161, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 57.9098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 57.9098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 57.9098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 161, pass = 0, slice in pass = 162, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 57.3098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 57.3098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 57.3098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 162, pass = 0, slice in pass = 163, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 56.7098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 56.7098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 56.7098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 163, pass = 0, slice in pass = 164, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 56.1098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 56.1098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 56.1098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 164, pass = 0, slice in pass = 165, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 55.5098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 55.5098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 55.5098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 165, pass = 0, slice in pass = 166, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 54.9098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 54.9098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 54.9098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 166, pass = 0, slice in pass = 167, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 54.3098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 54.3098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 54.3098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 167, pass = 0, slice in pass = 168, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 53.7098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 53.7098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 53.7098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 168, pass = 0, slice in pass = 169, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 53.1098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 53.1098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 53.1098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 169, pass = 0, slice in pass = 170, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 52.5098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 52.5098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 52.5098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 170, pass = 0, slice in pass = 171, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 51.9098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 51.9098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 51.9098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 171, pass = 0, slice in pass = 172, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 51.3098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 51.3098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 51.3098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 172, pass = 0, slice in pass = 173, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 50.7098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 50.7098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 50.7098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 173, pass = 0, slice in pass = 174, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 50.1098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 50.1098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 50.1098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 174, pass = 0, slice in pass = 175, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 49.5098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 49.5098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 49.5098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 175, pass = 0, slice in pass = 176, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 48.9098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 48.9098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 48.9098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 176, pass = 0, slice in pass = 177, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 48.3098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 48.3098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 48.3098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 177, pass = 0, slice in pass = 178, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 47.7098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 47.7098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 47.7098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 178, pass = 0, slice in pass = 179, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 47.1098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 47.1098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 47.1098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 179, pass = 0, slice in pass = 180, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 46.5098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 46.5098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 46.5098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 180, pass = 0, slice in pass = 181, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 45.9098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 45.9098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 45.9098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 181, pass = 0, slice in pass = 182, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 45.3098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 45.3098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 45.3098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 182, pass = 0, slice in pass = 183, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 44.7098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 44.7098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 44.7098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 183, pass = 0, slice in pass = 184, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 44.1098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 44.1098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 44.1098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 184, pass = 0, slice in pass = 185, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 43.5098, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 43.5098, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 43.5098, -62.0318, -80 Slice 185, pass = 0, slice in pass = 186, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 42.9099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 42.9099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 42.9099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 186, pass = 0, slice in pass = 187, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 42.3099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 42.3099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 42.3099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 187, pass = 0, slice in pass = 188, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 41.7099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 41.7099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 41.7099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 188, pass = 0, slice in pass = 189, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 41.1099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 41.1099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 41.1099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 189, pass = 0, slice in pass = 190, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 40.5099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 40.5099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 40.5099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 190, pass = 0, slice in pass = 191, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 39.9099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 39.9099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 39.9099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 191, pass = 0, slice in pass = 192, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 39.3099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 39.3099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 39.3099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 192, pass = 0, slice in pass = 193, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 38.7099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 38.7099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 38.7099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 193, pass = 0, slice in pass = 194, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 38.1099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 38.1099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 38.1099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 194, pass = 0, slice in pass = 195, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 37.5099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 37.5099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 37.5099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 195, pass = 0, slice in pass = 196, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 36.9099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 36.9099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 36.9099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 196, pass = 0, slice in pass = 197, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 36.3099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 36.3099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 36.3099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 197, pass = 0, slice in pass = 198, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 35.7099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 35.7099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 35.7099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 198, pass = 0, slice in pass = 199, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 35.1099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 35.1099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 35.1099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 199, pass = 0, slice in pass = 200, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 34.5099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 34.5099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 34.5099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 200, pass = 0, slice in pass = 201, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 33.9099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 33.9099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 33.9099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 201, pass = 0, slice in pass = 202, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 33.3099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 33.3099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 33.3099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 202, pass = 0, slice in pass = 203, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 32.7099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 32.7099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 32.7099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 203, pass = 0, slice in pass = 204, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 32.1099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 32.1099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 32.1099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 204, pass = 0, slice in pass = 205, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 31.5099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 31.5099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 31.5099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 205, pass = 0, slice in pass = 206, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 30.9099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 30.9099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 30.9099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 206, pass = 0, slice in pass = 207, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 30.3099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 30.3099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 30.3099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 207, pass = 0, slice in pass = 208, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 29.7099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 29.7099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 29.7099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 208, pass = 0, slice in pass = 209, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 29.1099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 29.1099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 29.1099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 209, pass = 0, slice in pass = 210, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 28.5099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 28.5099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 28.5099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 210, pass = 0, slice in pass = 211, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 27.9099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 27.9099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 27.9099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 211, pass = 0, slice in pass = 212, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 27.3099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 27.3099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 27.3099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 212, pass = 0, slice in pass = 213, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 26.7099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 26.7099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 26.7099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 213, pass = 0, slice in pass = 214, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 26.1099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 26.1099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 26.1099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 214, pass = 0, slice in pass = 215, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 25.5099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 25.5099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 25.5099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 215, pass = 0, slice in pass = 216, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 24.9099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 24.9099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 24.9099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 216, pass = 0, slice in pass = 217, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 24.3099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 24.3099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 24.3099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 217, pass = 0, slice in pass = 218, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 23.7099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 23.7099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 23.7099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 218, pass = 0, slice in pass = 219, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 23.1099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 23.1099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 23.1099, -62.0318, -80 Slice 219, pass = 0, slice in pass = 220, transpose = 0, rotation = 0, coilConfigUID = 0 point 1: 22.5099, 97.9682, -80 point 2: 22.5099, 97.9682, 80 point 3: 22.5099, -62.0318, -80 ...........PRESCAN_HEADER.................. Offset to/size of PRESCAN_HEADER: 141320, 1500 ...PS internal use only (variable "command"): 0 ...PS MPS R1 setting 1 - 7: 10 ...PS MPS R2 setting 1 - 30: 29 ...PS MPS Transmit gain setting 0 - 200: 143 ...PS MPS Center frequency Hz: 1277245090 ...PS APS R1 setting 1 - 7: 10 ...PS APS R2 setting 1 - 30: 29 ...PS APS Transmit gain setting 0 - 200: 143 ...PS APS Center frequency Hz: 1277245090 ...PS rational scaling (variable "scalei"): 0.000972173 ...PS unused (variable "scaleq"): 0 ...PS noise test 0=16 1=32 bits 0, 1: 135522645 ...PS prescan order logic (0-5): 2 ...PS bit mask 4 bits: 0 ...PS powerspec: ...PS filler1: 0 ...PS filler2: 0 ...PS xshim: -5 ...PS yshim: -19 ...PS zshim: -2 ...PS recon enable: 0 ...Autoshim successful (1), autoshim failed/smart/OFF (0): 1 ...PS mean +/- std noise each receiver: rec[0]: 1 +/- 3.75486 (14.5912%) rec[1]: 1 +/- 4.43753 (10.4471%) rec[2]: 1 +/- 3.93371 (13.2946%) rec[3]: 1 +/- 4.16262 (11.8726%) rec[4]: 1 +/- 4.12454 (12.0929%) rec[5]: 1 +/- 4.15998 (11.8877%) rec[6]: 1 +/- 3.9129 (13.4364%) rec[7]: 1 +/- 4.07683 (12.3775%) ...Spectro PS line width: -999 ...Spectro PS water suppression flip angle: -999 ...Spectro PS water suppression level: -999 ...Smart prescan: 2 ...Smart prescan string: TG/s1 15x fields ...Variable "phase_correction_status": 0 20x fields ...Variable "psc_ta": 67 ...Variable "broad_band_select": 1 ...........ExamData Type.................. Offset to/size of ExamData section: 142820, 1960 ...Exam number: 1 ...Exam description: MRI LE Joint w/o Contrast Left ...Exam date/time stamp: (1321470418) Wed Nov 16 11:06:58 2011 ...Start time (secs) of first axial in exam: 0 ...Cell number at theta: 0 ...Cell spacing: 0 ...Distance from source to detector: 0 ...Distance from source to iso: 0 ...Indicates number of updates to header: 0 ...Exam complete flag: 0 ...Last series number used: 8 ...Number of series archived: 0 ...Number of series existing: 8 ...Number of unstored series: 0 ...Number of unarchived series: 8 ...Number of prospective/scout series: 8 ...Last model number used: 0 ...Number of 3D models: 0 ...Number of cells in detector: 0 ...Magnet strength (in Gauss): 30000 ...Patient weight: 40820 ...Date/Time of last change: Wed Nov 16 11:06:58 2011 ...The make-unique flag: 0 ...Detector type: 0 ...Tube type: 0 ...DAS type: 0 ...Number of decon kernels: 0 ...Number of elements in a decon kernel: 0 ...Decon kernel density: 0 ...Decon kernel stepsize: 0 ...Decon kernel shift count: 0 ...Patient age (years, months or days): 0 ...Patient age notation: 0 ...Patient sex: 0 ...Exam format: 6 ...Trauma flag: 0 ...Non-zero indicates protocol exam: 1 ...Study has complete info (DICOM/genesis): 0 ...Patient History: ...Referring physician: ...Diagnostician/Radiologist: ...Operator: ...Exam type: MR ...Creator suite and host: CHMR3T ...Process that allocated this record: MRIFCCALLOC ...Disk ID for this exam: ...Hospital name: LUCILE PACKARD CHILDRENS 3T ...Suite ID for this exam: CHMR ...Genesis version - created: 23 ...Genesis version - now: 23 ...Unique system ID: 00000415723CHMR2 ...Unique service ID: ...Mobile location number: 9999 ...Study entity unique ID: 1.2.840.113619.2.182.10251875122564.1321489307.1023233 ...Ref SOP class UID: ...Ref SOP instance UID: ...Patient name (FF): ...Patient ID (FF): ...Requisition number (FF): ...Date of birth: 19000101 ...Genesis exam UID: 1.2.840.113619.2.182.10251875122564.1321489307.1023233 ...Genesis exam number: ...........SeriesData Type.................. Offset to/size of SeriesData section: 144780, 2560 ...Exam number: 1 ...Series number: 8 ...Series description: Sag PD FS acc 2.4 etl 37 VD4x ...Allocation series data/time stamp: Wed Nov 16 11:36:37 2011 ...Actual series data/time stamp: Wed Nov 16 11:36:37 2011 ...PixelData size - as stored: 0 ...PixelData size - compressed: 0 ...PixelData size - uncompressed: 0 ...Horizontal landmark: 669.6 ...First scan location (L/S): -152.71 ...Last scan location (L/S): -23.7099 ...RAS letter for first scan location (L/S): L ...RAS letter for last scan location (L/S): L ...Series complete flag: 0 ...Number of images archived: 0 ...Last image number used: 216 ...Number of images existing: 216 ...Indicates number of updates to header: 0 ...Number of unstored images: 216 ...Number of unarchived images: 216 ...Patient position: 1 ...Patient entry: 2 ...Landmark counter: 0 ...Date/Time of last change: Wed Nov 16 11:36:37 2011 ...Echo 1 alpha, beta, window, level values: 0, 0, 0, 0 ...Echo 2 alpha, beta, window, level values: 0, 0, 0, 0 ...Echo 3 alpha, beta, window, level values: 0, 0, 0, 0 ...Echo 4 alpha, beta, window, level values: 0, 0, 0, 0 ...Echo 5 alpha, beta, window, level values: 0, 0, 0, 0 ...Echo 6 alpha, beta, window, level values: 0, 0, 0, 0 ...Echo 7 alpha, beta, window, level values: 0, 0, 0, 0 ...Echo 8 alpha, beta, window, level values: 0, 0, 0, 0 ...Series type: 1 ...Series from which prescribed: 0 ...Most-like plane (for L/S): 4 ...Scout or axial (for CT): 0 ...The make-unique flag: 0 ...Non-zero if > 0 image used contrast(L/S): 0 ...Last pulse sequence used (L/S): 2 ...Image sort order (L/S): 0 ...Number of acquisitions: 1 ...Starting number for baselines: 0 ...Ending number for baselines: 0 ...Starting number for enhanced scans: 0 ...Ending number for enhanced scans: 0 ...Table position for nMR and iMR: 0 ...nMR - swing angle: 0 ...nMR - lateral offset: 0 ...Gradient coil selection: 0 ...Genesis version - created: 23 ...Genesis version - now: 23 ...Suite ID for this series: CHMR ...Process that allocated this record: MRIFCCALLOC ...Disk ID for this series: ...Primary receiver suite and host: CHMR3T ...Archiver suite and host: ...Anatomical reference: ...Scan protocol name: KNEE 2011.08 ...Series entity unique ID: 1.2.840.113619.2.283.6945.140762.30079.1321454455.104 ...Landmark unique ID: 1.2.840.113619.2.283.6945.140762.30079.1321454455.96 ...Equipment unique ID: 1.2.840.113619. ...Ref SOP class UID: ...Ref SOP instance UID: ...Sched proc action item seq - value: ...Sched proc action item seq - description: ...Sched proc action item seq - meaning: ...Sched proc step desc: ...Sched proc step ID 1: ...Req proc step ID 1: ...PPS ID: ...PPS description: ...Req proc step ID 2: ...Req proc step ID 3: ...Sched proc step ID 2: ...Sched proc step ID 3: ...Dicom reference images (4 UIDS): (0): 1.2.840.113619.2.283.6945.140762.24388.1321454499.149 (1): 1.2.840.113619.2.283.6945.140762.24388.1321454499.149 (2): 1.2.840.113619.2.283.6945.140762.24388.1321454499.149 (3): 1.2.840.113619.2.283.6945.140762.24388.1321454499.149 11x fields ...fMRI ExpType: 0 ...fMRI TrRest: 0 ...fMRI TrActive: 0 ...fMRI DumAcq: 0 ...fMRI ExptTimePts: 0 ...Supplement to se_typ, see DICOM (0008,0008): 0 ...fMRI BWRT: 0 ...fMRI PdgmStr: ...fMRI PdgmDesc: ...fMRI PdgmUID: ...fMRI ApplName: ...fMRI ApplVer: 12x fields ...Asset calibration series number: -1 ...Asset calibration scan number: 0 ...Product/Research/Service: 2 ...Pure calibration series number: 0 ...Pure calibration scan number: 0 ...Asset application name: ...Scic_a values from CoilConfig.cfg: 0 ...Scic_s values from CoilConfig.cfg: 0 ...Scic_c values from CoilConfig.cfg: 0 ...PURE config parameters from pure.cfg: rev=1;a=75;b=2;c=32;d=8;e=3;f=2;g=1;h=0 15x fields ...(IDEAL) water, fat, in-phase, and out-phase: 0 ...........MRImgData Type.................. Offset to/size of MRImgData section: 147340, 2448 ...Exam number for this image: 1 ...Series number for this image: 8 ...Image number: 1 ...Actual image date/time stamp: Wed Nov 16 11:36:37 2011 ...Allocation image date/time stamp: Wed Nov 16 11:36:37 2011 ...Raw data run number: 65538 ...Display field of view - x (mm): 160 ...Display field of view - y (if different): 144 ...Image matrix size - x: 512 ...Image matrix size - y: 512 ...Image dimension - x: 320 ...Image dimension - y: 320 ...Image pixel size - x: 0.3125 ...Image pixel size - y: 0.3125 ...Variable bandwidth (kHz): 62.5 ...Pulse repetition time (usec): 1400000 ...Pulse echo time (usec): 20827 ...Second echo time (usec): 0 ...Echo train length for fast spin echo: 37 ...Fractional echo - effective TE flag: 2 ...Pulse inversion time (usec): 0 ...Flip angle for GRASS scans (deg): 90 ...Number of echoes: 1 ...Echo number: 1 ...Variable echo flag: 0 ...Number of slices in this scan group: 216 ...Slice thickness (mm): 0.6 ...Spacing between scans (mm): 0 ...Negative scan spacing for overlap slices: 0 ...Continuous slices flag: 0 ...Slice thickness (variable 'thk_disclmr'): 0 ...Number of 3D slabs: 1 ...Slice locations per 3D slab: 220 ...Number of slice locs on each slab which overlap neighbors: 0 ...Frequency direction: 2 (up/down) ...Swap phase/frequency axis: 0 ...Slice offsets on frequency axis: 0 ...Number of excitations: 1 ...Duration of scan: 3.35388e+08 ...Magnitude, phase, imaginary, or real: 0 ...Plane type: 4 ...Oblique plane: 4 ...Scout type (A-P or lateral): 0 ...Graphically prescribed: 0 ...Series from which prescribed: 1 ...Image from which prescribed: 18 ...Image location: -152.71 ...RAS letter of image location: L ...(R,A,S) center coordinate of image: (-152.71, 17.9682, -16.4135) ...(R,A,S) normal coordinate: (1, 0, 0) ...(R,A,S) coordinate of top left hand corner: (-152.71, 97.9682, 63.5865) ...(R,A,S) coordinate of top right hand corner: (-152.71, -62.0318, 63.5865) ...(R,A,S) coordinate of bottom right hand corner: (-152.71, -62.0318, -96.4135) ...Imaging mode: 9 ...Imaging options: ST ED (1073743904) ...Imaging option 2: 1075838976 ...Imaging option 3: 64 ...Table delta: 0 ...Pulse sequence: 2 ...Pulse sequence mode: 0 ...Pulse sequence name: cubearc_pds ...PSD creation date and time: Mon Nov 14 11:52:12 2011 ...PSD name from inside PSD: 3DFSE ...Type of receiver used: 1 ...Coil type: 1 ...Coil name: HD TR Knee PA ...Surface coil type: 0 ...Extremity coil flag: 0 ...Surface coil intensity correction flag: 0 ...IV contrast agent: ...Oral contrast agent: ...Image contrast mode: 0 ...Cardiac repetition time: 0 ...Cardiac heart rate (bpm): 0 ...Trigger window (% of RR interval): 0 ...Images per cardiac cycle: 0 ...Cardiac phase number: 0 ...Total number of cardiac phases prescribed: 0 ...Tagging flip angle: 0 ...Cardiac tagging orientation: 0 ...Tag type: 0 ...Tag space: 0 ...Blood suppression TI: 0 ...Delay time after trigger (msec): 0 ...Minimum delay after trigger (usec): 0 ...Fast CINE interpolation method: 0 ...Fast CINE normalization type: 0 ...Views per segment: 0 ...Respiratory rate (breaths per min): 0 ...Respiratory trigger point as percent of maximum: 0 ...Respiratory trigger window: 0 ...Number of fast phases: 0 ...Number of EPI shots: 1 ...Effective echo spacing for EPI: 0 ...Diffusion direction for DW-EPI: 0 ...B-value for DW-EPI: 1000 ...Average SAR: 0.0525815 ...Peak SAR: 2.38429 ...Average head SAR: 1.19215 ...Bitmap defining user CVs: 32509986 ...User usage tag ("defines how user CVs are filled in"): 0 ...What process fills in the user CVs, ifcc or TIR ('user_fill_mapMSW'): 0 ...What process fills in the user CVs, ifcc or TIR ('user_fill_mapLSW'): 0 ...User variable 0: 1 ...User variable 1: 0 ...User variable 2: 0 ...User variable 3: 0 ...User variable 4: 0 ...User variable 5: 0.75 ...User variable 6: 0 ...User variable 7: 2 ...User variable 8: 0 ...User variable 9: 0 ...User variable 10: 0 ...User variable 11: 0 ...User variable 12: 30 ...User variable 13: 0 ...User variable 14: 0 ...User variable 15: 0 ...User variable 16: 0 ...User variable 17: 0 ...User variable 18: 0 ...User variable 19: 0 ...User variable 20: 4 ...User variable 21: 2.4 ...User variable 22: 2.4 ...User variable 23: 1 ...User variable 24: 1 ...User variable 25: 0 ...User variable 26: 0 ...User variable 27: 0 ...User variable 28: 0 ...User variable 29: 0 ...User variable 30: 0 ...User variable 31: 4 ...User variable 32: 0 ...User variable 33: 0 ...User variable 34: 0 ...User variable 35: 0 ...User variable 36: 0 ...User variable 37: 0 ...User variable 38: 0 ...User variable 39: 0 ...User variable 40: 0 ...User variable 41: 0 ...User variable 42: 0 ...User variable 43: 0 ...User variable 44: 0 ...User variable 45: 0 ...User variable 46: 0 ...User variable 47: 0 ...User variable 48: 0 ...dBdt peak rate of gradient field change (T/s): 0 ...dBdt limit in units of percent of theoretical curve: 100 ...PSD estimated dBdt limit in Teslas/sec: 0 ...PSD estimated dBdt limit in units of percent: 97.4778 ...RTIA timer: 0 ...RTIA fps: 0 ...RTIA filter mode: ...Bitmap of SAT selections: 0 ...SAT fat/water/none: 5 ...Concat sat type flag: 0 ...R-side SAT pulse location relative to landmark: 9990 ...L-side SAT pulse location relative to landmark: 9990 ...A-side SAT pulse location relative to landmark: 9990 ...P-side SAT pulse location relative to landmark: 9990 ...S-side SAT pulse location relative to landmark: 9990 ...I-side SAT pulse location relative to landmark: 9990 ...Thickness of x axis SAT pulse: 0 ...Thickness of y axis SAT pulse: 0 ...Thickness of z axis SAT pulse: 0 ...Preparatory pulse option: 0 ...Magnitization Transfer offset frequency: 0 ...Vascular mode: 0 ...Phase contrast flow axis: 0 ...Phase contrast velocity encoding: 0 ...Scale weighted venc: 0 ...Magnitude weighting flag: 2 ...Collapse image: 0 (Unknown) ...Projection algorithm: 0 ...Projection algorithm name: ...Projection angle: 0 ...X axis rotation: 0 ...Y axis rotation: 0 ...Z axis rotation: 0 ...Pause time: 0 ...Pause interval (slices): 0 ...Interimage/interloc delay (usec): 0 ...Image filtering 0.5/0.2 T: 0 ...MR-YMS num_seg: 0 ...Number of averages for spectro: 0 ...Station index: 0 ...Station total: 0 ...Calibrated field strength (x10 uGauss): 0 ...Scan acquisition number: 1 ...GE image integrity: 0 ...Identify image as original or unoriginal: 0 ...Image complete flag: 0 ...Reference image field: ...Summary image field: ...Window value: 0 ...Level value: 0 ...Lower range of pixels 1: 0 ...Upper range of pixels 1: 0 ...Lower range of pixels 2: 0 ...Upper range of pixels 2: 0 ...Screen format (8/16 bit): 16 ...Image archive flag: 0 ...Suite ID for this image: CHMR ...Image unique ID: 1.2.840.113619.2.283.6945.140762.24388.1321454500.455 ...Service obj class unique ID: 1.2.840.10008. ...Make-unique flag: 0 ...Disk ID for this image: ...Image compression type for allocation: 3 ...Foreign image revision: ...Image allocation key: MRIFCCALLOC ...Date/time of last change: Wed Nov 16 11:36:37 2011 ...Genesis version - created: 23 ...Genesis version - now: 23 ...Pixel data ID: ...Pixel data size - as stored: 0 ...Pixel data size - compressed: 0 ...Pixel data size - uncompressed: 0 ...String slop field 2: ...Bitmap of prescan options: 4 11x fields ...Regressor value: 0 ...Delay after acquisition (MP/fMRI screen): 0 12x fields ...Slice asset in ASSET screen: 1 ...Phase asset in ASSET screen: 1 ...Corresponding 4 SAR values for defined terms: [0.0525815, 2.38429, 1.19215, 1.19215] ...SAR control mode (normal, 1st or 2nd): 1 ...Variable 'sarDefinition': defined terms available: 15 ...Shim FOV (2 terms): [80, 0] ...Shim (R,A,S) center (2 terms): [-88.7504, 19.6024, -14.7728], [0, 0, 0] ...dBdt control mode (normal, 1st or 2nd): 1 ...Governing body MHW/IEC/FDA: 1 ...Variable: 'no_shimvol': 1 ...Variable: 'shim_vol_type': 0 ...Variable: 'xml_psc_shm_vol': ...GE coil name: C-GE_HDx TR Knee PA ...Concatenated string of coilcode and chip serialID: ...ASSET calibration series UID: ...PURE calibration series UID: 14x fields ...fMRI: RXM blob size: 0 ...fMRI: RXM blob size padding: 0 ...Current phase for this image (DP): 0 ...Acoustic reduction level: 0 ...Slice group number (0 = no groups, 1 = 1st group, etc.: 1 ...Number of slice groups (0 = no groups, 1 = 1st group, etc.: 1 ...Display image in auto view: 1 ...Variable: rxmpath: ...Pulse sequence name annotation: Cube 15x fields ...Slice number in group: 0 = no image, 1 = 1st image, etc.: 3 16x/20x fields ...AutoSubParam struct: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ...Imaged Nucleus 1H=>Hydrogen, 13C=>carbon, 23NA=>Sodium, etc: 1 22x fields ...MRE temporal phases: 0 ...MEG frequency: 0 ...MRE driver amplitude: 0 ...MRE driver cycle per trigger: 0 ...MEG direction: 4 ...Duration of label or control pulse for 3D ASL...: 0