This is a short summary of the GE header file output ...PSD name from inside PSD: 3DFSE ...Magnet strength (in Gauss): 30000 The clinicalCoilName of the active coil: C-GE_HDx TR Knee PA ...rhnframes yres: 320 ...rhfrsize xres: 320 ...rhnslices slices in a pass: 256 ...Display field of view - x (mm): 160 ...Display field of view - y (if different): 160 ...Variable bandwidth (kHz): 50 ...Pulse repetition time (usec): 1550000 ...Pulse echo time (usec): 25661 ...Echo train length for fast spin echo: 40 ...Slice thickness (mm): 0.6 ...Spacing between scans (mm): 0 ...Number of 3D slabs: 1